Thursday, October 7, 2010

Botol susu adik aiesya

semenjak dua menjak ni, Adam semakin petah berkata-kata. Memang suara dia je mengomel. Saya suka dengar Adam mengomel. Children don't know how to lie. They always tell the truth.

Namun, kadang-kala kebenaran itu sangat menyakitkan.

He opens one of the kitchen cabinet drawer and found bottles that I used to store late Aiesya's milk. And suddenly he said " Dah lame adik Aiesya tak minum susu,kan Ibu? Ibu si mpan susu adik Aiesya dalam ni,kan?"

And the mother just look at him with her eyes stagnant with tears....

"Ya Allah, please give us another Aiesya, eventhough she is not Aiesya Zaffan...."


  1. sabar ye cikgu. ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni..

  2. owh sabarlah..
    insyaallah akan dikurniakan sinar kebahagiaan suatu hari nanti :D

  3. tq both of you...

    pray the best for you too:)

  4. tqvm akma..

    Kami redha kerana kami yahin Allah ada perancangan yang lebih baik...
    yup, dah start consume the folic acid...:)
