Sunday, September 20, 2015

Chicken Curry PPC

Hye Everdearest Recipe Searcher,

Yeah, today (Sunday ; 8.27 am) I have finished preparing my breakfast. Sunday is family day for every mom out there I guess...

Our breakfast meals for today is just Roti Canai (Frozen made by my colleague) just heat it using The Grease multicooker. The Roti Canai will be served with Chicken Curry (Recipe from Azie Kitchen). 

May be some will say, apalah CR want to cook curry mehhh, still you want to google the recipe? Hahahaah... This is me, I like to try different recipe for even just for one kind of meal... Apa nak buat...

Chicken (normal cut)
1 onion, chopped
3 garlics also chopped
1 inch ginger
5 teaspoons Curry powder
Asam keping (english word?)
Cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, clove

How to:

Menggunakan PHILIPS Pressure Cooker
1. Set the cooking option to BAKE VEGE and START.
Tumiskan bawang besar, bawang putih, halia dengan  3 sudu besar minyak masak sehingga naik bau.
Tambahkan buah pelaga, bunga cengkih, bunga lawang dan kulit kayu manis. Gorengkan hingga bawang agak perang.
Tambahkan 5 sudu kecil serbuk kari. Kacau sehingga pecah minyak.
BAKED VEGE option should set off automatically by this time.
2. Set cooking option to CHICKEN and START.
Tambahkan ayam dan kentang. Tambah juga air sedikit sebelum tutup Pressure Cooker dengan penutupnya. Make sure tombol berada dalam keadaan SEAL
4. Keadaan kari ayam anda selepas pressure is released.
Set cooking option to BAKE VEGE and START
Masukkan santan dan asam keping. Biarkan mendidih dan kacau, sebelum ditambahkan garam dan gula.

Within 30 minutes you Chicken Curry is ready.

Selamat mencuba, till then JOY...

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