Haaa...memandangkan bulan Ramadhan ni semua orang/kebanyakan orang sibuk cerita pasal food. Jomlah layan cerita basi CR ni.
Actually, program makan ni happen during our trip to Utrecht, Netherlands from 26th June to 1st July tempoh hari [3rd International Environment Scientific Project Olympiad].
So, jom layan our eating activity..:P
Super waffle - 2 Euro. Itu je rupanya. Cuba tukar currency ke RM. How much this thin waffle have cost us? RM8.50. Taubat tak beli hahhahha... Tapi ni je food yang leh makan and dari sumber yang diyakini masa tu. Well it taste like biscuit, very crunchy and soooo sweet, kalau makcik ada diabetes, tok sah lah makan ye...
Turkish Kebab. Its kind of familiar. Yelah, food in Malaysia have been influenced by middle east food. And here in Europe, there are large community of Turks. And most important, they are muslims. So layanlah kebab for lunch.
Buruk perangai...Tapi dah kedainya begitu. They just have 5-6 chairs and a long table. Kind like a kiosk. But I like the taste of kebab. Juicy and full with veges. Oh CR is a veggie lover tau.
Tengok semua orang gembira sebab perut dah kenyang. CR only able to eat half of the kebab. Oh ya, the Turkish Kebab - 4 Euro Mineral Water - 1.5 Euro [kiraler berapa harga lunch kami hari tu,ye]
Dinner on the 2nd day we arrive. BBQ is sponsored by a Turkish School at lupa lak name nye. Khemah dia cool! Agak2nya, kalau Malaysian yang tinggal oversea buat gathering, camnilah rasanya,kut..:)
Hambik kau...atas meja jer lah pinggannya. Roti beralaskan meja. Roti nilah santapan berhari-hari hehehhe masa kat sana ingat balik Malaysia, tak tengok roti dah...:)
Tu dia...the bbq meat. Satay giant, tak tau Turk community ni panggil apa. [Lupa nak catit pulak] Again, we eat those meat with super fresh salads and I really love it. The salads are crunchy and the tomatoes are yummy:) But for a true Malaysian like CR, I need to eat those meat with ketchup and mayos. Tawar...seasoning dia tak macam kat Malaysia. Masuk tempat orang, kita layan je.
Haa..senyum simpul sebab dah tak sabar nak makan lah tu...
So, Till then...kalau ada masa lagi, CR akan share Cerita Basi lain pulak ye...:)
Amboi, roti tu main campak je kat meja.. hehe (MAHALNYA!)